Tuesday, July 20, 2010

ADYC Prayer Week Day 2

Yesterday was the starting for the ADYC prayer week. We started with the theme "Giving Thanks" as per the ADYC prayer points and gathered together in the parish hall to pray and thank God for the many blessings that he has showered upon us.

It started with a singspiration led by Bro. Bajeng, then we had our corporate prayer - thanking God and we also prayed for the upcoming Diocesan Youth Carnival this Sunday.

From today until Friday, we will pray at our own pace at home. Our prayer points for today :

Today, let us pray for those in authority in our diocese and in our country. In 1 Tim 21:1-2 teaches us to pray for those in authority.

  • For our Bishop, Rt Rev. Datuk Bolly Lapok, pray that he will lead the diocese with wisdom that comes from God.
  • For the Asst. Bishop, Bp. Aeries Sumping as he assists Bp. Bolly to serve and lead the diocese
  • For our diocese, we pray that our diocese will continue to grow and advance the cause of the Gospel in the field of mission and evangelism
  • For our government, state and federal cabinet, pray that they may rule our country, Malaysia with wisdom, justice and righteousness. Pray for a good political, economic and social condition.
God bless.

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