About AYC

We are the youths of St. Columba's Parish, Miri. We consist of the youth groups from:

a. St. Columba's Church, Miri
b. St. Columba's Extension Centre Taman Tunku Youth
c. Holy Trinity Chapel Lambir Youth - Young Servants of Christ (YSC)
d. Chinese Service Congregation (CSC) Youth

We are a registered organisation with the Registrat of Societies under the Kementerian Pembangunan Sosial & Urbanisasi, run by a committee consisting of 6 executive committee and 7 ordinary committee members. AYC is responsible for the day to day running of youth activities in the church. A committee meeting is regularly held to plan & co-ordinate the activities.

The objectives of the Council as stated in The AYC Constitution are:

a. To recruit more public youths into the Christian Faith.

b. To create better understanding of the Bible in Bible classes.

c. To create better understanding among Christian youths.

d. To uphold the behaviour of Christian youths as examples to others.

e. To help the poor, the sick and the needy.

f. To train Christian youths to serve the Church.

g. To organize social activities for the Christian youths.

h. To help the maintenance of the Church.

i. To raise funds.

j. To improve relationship with other churches and religious denominations.

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