Wednesday, June 30, 2010

ADYC Region 2 BGM

Last Saturday, 19th June 2010 the ADYC Region 2 had our BGM at Imperial Hotel Apartment. About 20-30 youths from the northern region came together and attended the meeting. It started with reports from Holy Trinity Lambir, AYC, St. Thomas' Bintulu and then Good Shepherd, Lutong.

After the election, our new executive committee for the ADYC Region 2 are as follows :

Region Coordinator : Bro. Frankie Wranthye (St. Thomas' Bintulu)
Asst. Coordinator : Sis. Rose Seman (Good Shepherd, Lutong)
Secretary : Sis. Victoria Jane (AYC, St. Columba)
Treasurer : Sis. Christy Jowen (Good Shepherd, Lutong)

The three representatives from our parish are :
1. Bro. Frankie Nanta
2. Sis. Elsa Iyok James
3. Sis. Liza Ijam (Taman Tunku)

Three representatives from St. Thomas' Bintulu are :
1. Bro. Steve Mackenzie
2. Bro. Billy Joe
3. Sis. Marilyn

And three representatives from Good Shepherd parish are :
1. Bro. Nick William
2. Bro. Aaron Stanley
3. Bro. Matthew

In the evening, everyone gathered together once again to pray for the elected committee. Do uphold the Region 2 committee into your prayers, that God will use them mightily for His kingdom.

Diocesan Youth Sunday is coming up!! We will update you more on the upcoming activities soon! Stay tuned!

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