Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Xposed Camp 2011!

Calling all teenagers age 13-19 years old!
AYC is organising a teens camp just for

18th-20th March 2011 (School Semester Break)

St. Columba's Primary School


What XPOSED CAMP is all about?
Life as a teen can be challenging. EXPOSED camp is about developing and shaping one’s character according to the likeness of God and family. The Bible clearly stated in both 1 Samuel 2:26 and Luke 2:52, Samuel and Our Lord Jesus' lives are a great example of growing in faith and are able to overcome any troubles and doubts in their lives.

What will the teens gain from this camp?
At the end of this camp, we expect all participants to understand and to face challenges in their life development of maturity in faith and in their life as Christian witnesses.

Why parents should encourage their children to join XPOSED CAMP?
Teens are at the stage of exploring. They are eager and curious to know everything especially in knowing their faith and having that believe that they hold on from their Christian families. Therefore, this is the chance for them to learn and be EXPOSED. We also believe that this camp is a great opportunity to make their school holiday special!

We will be opening a registration booth at the entrance of the school hall before & after Sunday Services. :)

For more details:
Call: Timothy at 019-847 2569

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