Thursday, February 24, 2011

Time for Funbowl!

We had a fun time playing bowling at Megalanes, Bintang Plaza on 15 February 2011. There were about 30+ young adults who came to join in the fun. Even Ven. Solomon & Revd. Alfred played too! Little did they know that the bowling game that they're gonna play is somewhat altered or rather a creative improvisation of the usual game. This altered version is called "The AYC Funbowl" hehe. Here are some pictures which were taken on that day. We had 10 teams with pretty interesting names i.e. Bagak, Harimau Malaya, Mayat Hidup, competing against each other.

 Jangan pandang belakang

 Take a bow

 Busy bowlers

 Sit & bowl


Hmm...a strike or masuk longkang, Shirley?

Steady, aim...bowl (rather roll)!

After the bowl, it was time for some refreshments, prize giving, mingling and photo sessions. 
We do hope that by having this sort of event, we would get more young adults to be introduced and get involve in the youth ministry! :)

Til next time, God bless all.

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