Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hello 2011!!

Wow, can you believe that we're now in 2011! What a year 2010 was for AYC! And it went by really fast! This year, AYC is gearing up to live up to its theme, which is Go MAD (Make A Difference) for Jesus! We do hope to get the support we need from the youths, parents & congregation!

To start off our activities this year, we're having a Career Talk this coming Saturday. Details are as below:-

Date: 15th January 2011
Time: 830am-330pm
Venue: Parish Hall
Speakers: Mr. Martin Entamin (HSE Advisor for Shell), Mr Kong Shaw Onn (Educational Agent of Angela Educational Service) & Ms. Felecia Ngalih (Marketing Officer of Curtin Uni.)
Objectives: To equip uni. graduates to face the working life, to help the senior secondary students to plan their futher studies and understanding courses offered in universities.

*Registration is FREE.
*Lunch & tea break are provided.

Do make yourself free to attend this talk. Parents, do encourage your children to come for this.

See YOU there! :)

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