Our Church organised a leaders session with Rev. David Rajiah on the 9th July 2010, and the open session on the 11th July 2010. He visited the Lambir Church on the 10th July 2010 and shared the word of God there. Indeed it was a very interesting session. The leaders session he was sharing on "Called to Serve" and there were a few youths attended.
The AYC were also asked to lead in the praise and worship session and thereafter Rev. David shared the words of God. We are all serving God in many various ways but there are few other things that we need to bear in mind when we serve God.
Based on the few key points he shared :-
1) Call to Serve God with your Gifts (Time) - Exodus 6:23
- We need to find time for God daily. Make time for God.
- Prayer and work needs to be there
- What are we doing with our time and talent?
2) Call to Serve God in Tithing (Malachi 3:10)
- Give Tithes!! It's not an option, it is a requirement
- Are we giving our donation, stewardship, subscription, membership but not tithing?
3) Call to Serve God with Fellowship (Acts 2)
- We need one another and we should come together regularly (Heb 10:25)
- Do we have time for lost souls?
- Do we have time for each other?
4) Call to Serve as a Watchman (Ezekiel 3:17-21)
- We need to have the fear of God
- Wait and watch for what God would command and give in warning
- Warn the people for God!
- Do we care about our church?
5) Call to Serve God by Carrying the Cross (Matthew 16:24)
- Following Jesus is a true commitment, it is WORTH it
- The Cross is the answer, the solution, the hope
- How would we respond if a member asks help from us?
6) Call to Serve God as an Ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:20)
- Stand up for the truth!!
- We need to learn God's will (Jeremiah 37:3-10)
- Grant a safe passage (Numbers 20:14-21)
- Settle Disputes (Judges 11:12-28)
- Arrange business (1 Kings 5:1-12)
- Be a spy (2 Kings 20:12-19)
- Are we bold enough to share the Gospel?
7) Call to Serve Him as a Soldier
- Victory is mine because I serve a victorious King, we will conquer
- Battle has won when Jesus died for us, it is time for us to expand our territory
- Be an onward Christian soldiers, not backwards!
- Are we a loyal and faithful soldier?
Then on the open session on Sunday (11th July 2010) the youths from Taman Tunku lead the worship. This session, Rev. David Rajiah shared on the Spirit Filled Christian based on Ephesians 5:18.
We also spent time praying for our priests
Praying for Archdeacon and his wife
Praying for Rev. Alfred and his wife
And a token of appreciation for Rev. David
As for the evening session, he shared that to be a spirit-filled Christian, we need to be :-
1) Devoted
- By studying the word (2 Tim 2:1, Psa 119:9-11, Jos 1:8)
- By surrendering ourselves to Him (Rom 12:1-1, 1 Cor 6:19-20)
- By separation to the desires of the world (2 Cor 6:17, 7:1)
2) Dedicated
- Loving God (2 Cor 11:24-27)
- Looking to God (Heb 12:1,2)
- Longing for God (Phil 3:10)
3) Determined
- Testimony (Acts 20:24)
- Endure Testing (Gal 6:9)
- Going through trials that come our way (James 5:11)
- Endures temptation (James 1:12)
4) Detained
- There must be a time of waiting before God in prayer (Isa 40:31)
- Plea to Prayer (1 Tim 2:8)
- Personal Prayer - secret to Christian life (Mat 6:6)
- Patient Prayer (Acts 1,2, Luke 24:49)
- Prevailing Prayer - should always be in the attitude of prayer (1 Thess 5:17)
Indeed we are all blessed by God with the presence of Rev. David Rajiah. By God's grace, perhaps we could invite Rev. David Rajiah again to speak to the young people in the church so that all of us could walk together in the journey of going to God's heavenly kingdom.